December 1, 1999 Shows 72% Increase In Web Traffic

Wednesday, December 1st, 1999, Tallahassee, FL. – Inc. (OTC BB:BIGR) shows web traffic (page views) increasing 72% as a result of additional marketing efforts, and in anticipation of the release of the Play-4-Free games for the North American market.

The number of visitors to is increasing in anticipation of the new Play-4-Free games and web site for the North American market. Web traffic statistics show the average number page views per day increasing by 72% from the month of October to November. October average number of hits per day were 27,410 and average page views per day were 3,560 as compared to November’s average hits per day of 51,550 and average page views per day of 6,107. This shows an increase of 72% (in page views) as a result of implementation of the initial elements of the marketing strategy which is currently running adds with Gamesville,, Prodigy and COX Interactive Media, and bringing additional content to the site through a working relationship with is also noting an increase in the number of return visitors and the length of time these additional visitors are spending on the site which will lead to proving as a ‘sticky’ site. In line with this marketing strategy, is placing additional priority on increasing public awareness preceding the release of the new Play-4-Free bingo games for the North American market in December.

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November 17, 1999

B Cox Interactive Sales Partners with Through Media Agreement

Wednesday, November 17, 1999, Tallahassee, FL. – Inc. (OTC BB:BIGR) today announced a promotional partnership with COX Interactive Sales which will create more then 12.75 million impressions per month and place advertising on sites including, and COX Interactive Media, as well as on the Prodigy Internet service, giving a strategic position on some of the most valuable real estate on the Internet.

With this agreement, advertising will initially be focused on promoting within the North American market through high profile ads with a variety companies, which will create broad exposure for the company. For example, has purchased a special advertising feature on the Prodigy Internet Homepage ( that allows to promote itself directly to Prodigy members (currently 1.2 million managed subscribers). The advertising from is yet another way Prodigy Communications Corporation (NASDAQ: PRGY) is pursuing its strategy to create new revenue streams from the redesigned Prodigy Internet Homepage. (, another premier advertiser, is the leading provider of online massive multi-player real-time games for prizes, named by MediaMetrix as the “stickiest” site on the internet. With over 30,000 coupons, Val-Pak Coupons On-Line ( is the largest database of money-savings offers for local products and services on the Internet. will also place advertising on COX Interactive Media (, which owns and operates a network of 32 local city sites across the US. (Atlanta, Austin, San Diego, Seattle, Pittsburgh, among others).

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November 15, 1999 Signs Agreement to Integrate Services from

Monday, November 15, 1999, Tallahassee, FL. – Inc. (OTC BB:BIGR) today announced an agreement to integrate a range of’s consumer services. is a leading global provider of Internet infrastructure services for consumers, merchants and wireless devices.

This agreement further promotes’s objective to provide Internet users with a destination site that will be easily recognized as an informative Bingo related home page. will provide with access to a wide variety of information and services such as shopping, entertainment, find a friend, chat services and much more. will then have the ability to use any of the services that are of an interest to the registered users of the site.

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November 1,1999 Licenses Game Technology

Monday, November 1st, 1999, Antigua, – (Antigua) Inc. (parent company: OTC BB:BIGR) today announced that it has reached a non-exclusive agreement to license its proprietary Bingo game technology to Paramount Trading Inc. in exchange for licensing and royalty revenue.

Paramount Trading Inc. runs a variety of entertainment-based games, including BingoHour. BingoHour offers large jackpots on the Internet, currently at $100,000 for the coverall game every Saturday, and runs six games an hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. BingoHour is currently in the process of launching its first foreign language site and, thereafter, intends to add a new language site every few weeks to expand international access to its games.

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October 22, 1999 Announces Online Affiliate Relationship

TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA – Inc. (OTC BB:BIGR), is expanding on the world’s first free ‘Bingo-based’ site in order to become the most recognized and most visited Bingo entertainment destination in the world. The Company is pleased to announce an affiliate relationship with Wall Street NewsCast, which will promote the priority has placed on increasing public awareness by providing an unbiased forum for continuous discussions and updates on

Wall Street News Cast, Inc. (WSNC) is a NY State Corporation that employs and represents professionals specializing in Finance, Business Development and Internet Business Development. Wall Street News Cast, Inc. operates in the heart of the financial world, NYC. Wall Street News Cast, Inc.’s main portal of business is operated through its web site; or with the same address ending with .net or .org. is a newly developed site devoted to the principal business model of conducting informative interviews with Small Cap to Mid Cap companies that have important news and upcoming events. is free to anyone and everyone with Internet connectivity. WSNC is also exploring Ecommerce opportunities as well as Internet Partnerships and Co-Branding. WSNC focuses on maintaining professional relationships with represented companies ensuring a positive reputation throughout the Internet Finance Community.

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